Configuration for this Website
This is the entire configuration for this website including the css styling and org-publish configuration. The features this website supports can be seen here. Ideas for features I’d like to implement in the future can be found here.
Doom One Dark Theme
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --bg : #282c34; --fg : #bbc2cf; --bg-alt : #21242b; --fg-alt : #5B6268; --base0 : #1B2229; --base1 : #1c1f24; --base2 : #202328; --base3 : #23272e; --base4 : #3f444a; --base5 : #5B6268; --base6 : #73797e; --base7 : #9ca0a4; --base8 : #DFDFDF; --grey : #3f444a; --red : #ff6c6b; --i-red : #ce537a; --orange : #da8548; --green : #98be65; --i-green : #2d9574; --teal : #4db5bd; --yellow : #ECBE7B; --blue : #51afef; --dark-blue : #2257A0; --magenta : #c678dd; --violet : #a9a1e1; --cyan : #46D9FF; --dark-cyan : #5699AF; } }
Doom One Light Theme
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { :root { --bg : #fafafa; --fg : #383a42; --bg-alt : #f0f0f0; --fg-alt : #c6c7c7; --base0 : #f0f0f0; --base1 : #e7e7e7; --base2 : #dfdfdf; --base3 : #c6c7c7; --base4 : #9ca0a4; --base5 : #383a42; --base6 : #202328; --base7 : #1c1f24; --base8 : #1b2229; --grey : #9ca0a4; --red : #e45649; --i-red : #e45649; --orange : #da8548; --green : #50a14f; --i-green : #50a14f; --teal : #4db5bd; --yellow : #986801; --blue : #4078f2; --dark-blue : #a0bcf8; --magenta : #a626a4; --violet : #b751b6; --cyan : #0184bc; --dark-cyan : #005478; } }
Much of this is from org-html-style-default
body { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; color: var(--fg); background-color: var(--bg); max-width: 42em; margin: auto; } #preamble { text-align: center; } #postamble { text-align: center; margin: 2em; } .menu { display: inline-block; padding: 0.2em; position: relative; background-color: var(--base0); border-radius: 0.2em; } button { border: none; background-color: inherit; font-size: inherit; font: inherit; cursor: pointer; color: var(--blue); } button:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .menu-btn { display: inline-block; width: 6em; transition: all 0.2s ease; color: var(--fg); padding: 0.3em; margin: 0.2em; border-radius: 0.2em; border: 2px solid var(--magenta); fill: var(--fg); } .menu-btn:hover { background-color: var(--magenta); color: var(--base0); fill: var(--base0); } a { color: var(--blue); background-color: inherit; font: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .title { text-align: center; margin-bottom: .2em; } .subtitle { text-align: center; font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; margin-top:0; } .todo { font-family: monospace; color: red; } .done { font-family: monospace; color: green; } .priority { font-family: monospace; color: orange; } .tag { background-color: #eee; font-family: monospace; padding: 2px; font-size: 80%; font-weight: normal; } .timestamp { color: var(--fg-alt); } .timestamp-kwd { color: var(--dark-cyan); } .org-right { margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0px; text-align: right; } .org-left { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: auto; text-align: left; } .org-center { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center; } .underline { text-decoration: underline; } #postamble p, #preamble p { font-size: 90%; margin: .2em; } p.verse { margin-left: 3%; } table { border-collapse:collapse; } caption.t-above { caption-side: top; } caption.t-bottom { caption-side: bottom; } td, th { vertical-align:top; } { text-align: center; } { text-align: center; } { text-align: center; } { text-align: right; } { text-align: left; } { text-align: center; } dt { font-weight: bold; } .footpara { display: inline; } .footdef { margin-bottom: 1em; } .figure { padding: 1em; } .figure p { text-align: center; } .equation-container { display: table; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .equation { vertical-align: middle; } .equation-label { display: table-cell; text-align: right; vertical-align: middle; } .inlinetask { padding: 10px; border: 2px solid gray; margin: 10px; background: #ffffcc; } #org-div-home-and-up { text-align: right; font-size: 70%; white-space: nowrap; } textarea { overflow-x: auto; } .linenr { font-size: smaller } .code-highlighted { background-color: #ffff00; } .org-info-js_info-navigation { border-style: none; } #org-info-js_console-label { font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; } .org-info-js_search-highlight { background-color: #ffff00; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } .org-svg { width: 90%; } .org-src-container { } .org-ul {}
org classes
.org-builtin {color: var(--magenta);} .org-comment {color: var(--fg-alt);} .org-comment-delimiter {color: var(--fg-alt);} .org-constant {color: var(--violet);} .org-css-property {color: var(--green);} .org-css-selector {color: var(--blue);} .org-doc {color: #83898d;} .org-font-latex-bold {font-weight: bold;} .org-font-latex-math {color: var(--green);} .org-font-latex-script-char {color: var(--dark-blue);} .org-font-latex-sedate {color: #d3d3d3;} .org-function-name {color: var(--magenta);} .org-keyword {color: var(--blue);} .org-operator {} .org-whitespace-line { color: var(--red); background-color: var(--base0); font-weight: bold; } .org-negation-char { color: var(--blue); font-weight: bold; } .org-org-block { background-color: var(--base3); } .org-org-block-begin-line { color: var(--fg-alt); background-color: var(--base3); } .org-org-block-end-line { color: var(--fg-alt); background-color: var(--base3); } .org-org-meta-line {color: #83898d;} .org-org-target {text-decoration: underline;} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-1 {color: var(--blue);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-2 {color: var(--magenta);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-3 {color: var(--green);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-4 {color: var(--violet);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-5 {color: var(--teal);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-6 {color: var(--blue);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-7 {color: var(--magenta);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-8 {color: var(--green);} .org-rainbow-delimiters-depth-9 {color: var(--violet);} .org-regexp-grouping-backslash { color: var(--blue); font-weight: bold; } .org-regexp-grouping-construct { color: var(--blue); font-weight: bold; } .org-sh-heredoc {color: var(--green);} .org-sh-quoted-exec { color: var(--blue); font-weight: bold; } .org-string {color: var(--green);} .org-type {color: var(--yellow);} .org-variable-name {color: #dcaeea;} .org-warning {color: var(--yellow);} .org-diff-added { color: var(--green); background-color: var(--bg-alt); } .org-diff-changed { color: var(--violet); } .org-diff-changed-unspecified { color: var(--violet); background-color: #333333; } .org-diff-context {} .org-diff-error { color: #ff0000; background-color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } .org-diff-file-header {color: var(--blue);} .org-diff-function {color: var(--cyan);} .org-diff-header {color: var(--cyan);} .org-diff-hunk-header {color: var(--violet);} .org-diff-index {color: var(--blue);} .org-diff-indicator-added { color: #22aa22; background-color: var(--bg-alt); } .org-diff-indicator-changed {color: #aaaa22;} .org-diff-indicator-removed { color: #aa2222; background-color: var(--base3); } .org-diff-nonexistent {color: var(--blue);} .org-diff-refine-added { color: var(--green); background-color: var(--bg-alt); } .org-diff-refine-changed {color: var(--violet);} .org-diff-refine-removed { color: var(--red); background-color: var(--base3); } .org-diff-removed { color: var(--red); background-color: var(--base3); }
Source Code
pre { border: 1px solid #e6e6e6; border-radius: 3px; padding: 8pt; font-family: monospace; overflow: auto; margin: 1.2em; } pre.src { position: relative; overflow: auto; } pre.src:before { display: none; position: absolute; top: -8px; right: 12px; padding: 3px; color: #555; background-color: #f2f2f299; } pre.src:hover:before { display: inline; margin-top: 14px;} pre.src-C:before { content: 'C'; } pre.src-css:before { content: 'CSS'; } pre.src-dot:before { content: 'Graphviz'; } pre.src-calc:before { content: 'Emacs Calc'; } pre.src-emacs-lisp:before { content: 'Emacs Lisp'; } pre.src-elisp:before { content: 'Emacs Lisp'; } pre.src-fortran:before { content: 'Fortran'; } pre.src-haskell:before { content: 'Haskell'; } pre.src-js:before { content: 'Javascript'; } pre.src-latex:before { content: 'LaTeX'; } pre.src-lisp:before { content: 'Lisp'; } pre.src-lua:before { content: 'Lua'; } pre.src-org:before { content: 'Org mode'; } pre.src-python:before { content: 'Python'; } pre.src-jupyter-python:before { content: 'Jupyter Python'; } pre.src-jupyter-julia:before { content: 'Jupyter Julia'; } pre.src-ruby:before { content: 'Ruby'; } pre.src-scheme:before { content: 'Scheme'; } pre.src-sed:before { content: 'Sed'; } pre.src-sh:before { content: 'shell'; } pre.src-makefile:before { content: 'Makefile'; } pre.src-perl:before { content: 'Perl'; } pre.src-shell:before { content: 'Shell Script'; } pre.src-cpp:before { content: 'C++'; } pre.src-bash:before { content: 'bash'; } pre.src-html:before { content: 'HTML'; } pre.src-prolog:before { content: 'Prolog'; } pre.src-tex:before { content: 'TeX'; } pre.src-plain-tex:before { content: 'Plain TeX'; } pre.src-conf:before { content: 'Configuration File'; }
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<script src="/scripts.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="/favicon.svg" rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml">
<div class="menu"> <a class="menu-btn" href="/">Akira Kyle</a> <span style="color: var(--func);">|</span> <a class="menu-btn" href="/blog">Blogoroam</a> </div>
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Emacs Lisp org-publish
See How I publish my wiki with org-publish for another take on exporting org-roam using org-publish.
(setq my-org-dir (file-name-as-directory "~/org")) (setq my-org-publish-dir (file-name-as-directory "~/www/org")) (setq my-website-publish-dir (file-name-as-directory "~/www/"))
List of notes/pages
(defun my-org-get-env-key (post-filename key) "Extract the value of `#+title:`, `#+author:`, `#+date:`, or `#+filetags:` from post-filename." (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents post-filename) (cadar (org-collect-keywords (list key))))) (defun my-notes-filenames () "Returns a list of all files sorted approprately." (sort (mapcan (lambda (dir) (directory-files (file-name-as-directory (concat my-org-dir dir)) t ".*\\.org$" nil)) '("notes" "config")) (lambda (a b) (> (org-time-string-to-seconds (my-org-get-env-key a "date")) (org-time-string-to-seconds (my-org-get-env-key b "date")))))) (defun my-filenames-to-org-list (post-filenames) (seq-reduce (lambda (acc el) (concat acc "\n- " el)) (seq-map (lambda (fname) (concat (org-export-get-date `(:date ,(org-element-parse-secondary-string (my-org-get-env-key fname "date") (org-element-restriction 'keyword))) "%Y-%m-%d") ": " (org-link-make-string (concat "file:" (file-relative-name fname)) (my-org-get-env-key fname "title")))) post-filenames) ""))
org roam export backlinks and reflinks and citations
eliminates the need for#+print_bibliography:
at the end of every filemy-filter-citations
makes org citations link to the corresponding org-roam nodes- I didn’t end up trying to use the csl formatter to get the nice, configurable inline style, but rather just make the org-roam title close to what the csl formatter would do (yeah this is hacky).
;; TODO: Still need to fix spacing (defun my-filter-citations (data backend info) (let* ((cite-to-id (lambda (el) (let* ((key (concat "@" (org-element-property :key el))) (node (org-roam-node-from-ref key)) (_ (and (not node) (error "No org roam node for key %s" key))) (id (org-roam-node-id node)) (title (org-roam-node-title node))) (org-link-make-string (concat "id:" id) title)))) (cites-to-ids (lambda (elts) (with-temp-buffer (save-excursion (insert (concat " (" (mapconcat cite-to-id elts "; ") ") ")) (car (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'paragraph 'org-element-contents)))))) (map-citation (lambda (el) (unless (org-element-property :style el) (mapc (lambda (l) (org-element-insert-before l el)) (funcall cites-to-ids (org-element-contents el))) (org-element-extract-element el))))) (org-element-map data 'citation map-citation info nil nil t) data)) (defun insert-bibliography (backend) "Insert reflinks into the end of the org file before parsing it." (when (eq backend 'html) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\[cite:.*\\]" nil t) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n\n* References:\n") (insert "#+print_bibliography: :title \"References\"")))) ;; (defun collect-backlinks-string (backend) "Insert backlinks into the end of the org file before parsing it." (when (and (or (eq backend 'html) (eq backend 'html-with-cite-filter)) (org-roam-node-at-point)) (let* ((backlinks (org-roam-backlinks-get (org-roam-node-at-point)))) (when backlinks (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n\n* Backlinks:\n") (dolist (backlink backlinks) (let* ((source-node (org-roam-backlink-source-node backlink)) (point (org-roam-backlink-point backlink))) (insert (format "- [[id:%s][%s]]\n" (file-name-nondirectory (org-roam-node-id source-node)) (org-roam-node-title source-node))))))))) (defun collect-reflinks-string (backend) "Insert reflinks into the end of the org file before parsing it." (when (and (or (eq backend 'html) (eq backend 'html-with-cite-filter)) (org-roam-node-at-point)) (let* ((reflinks (org-roam-reflinks-get (org-roam-node-at-point)))) (when reflinks (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n\n* Reflinks:\n") (dolist (reflink reflinks) (let* ((source-node (org-roam-reflink-source-node reflink)) (point (org-roam-reflink-point reflink))) (unless (string= (org-roam-node-id source-node) (org-roam-node-id (org-roam-node-at-point))) (insert (format "- [[id:%s][%s]]\n" (file-name-nondirectory (org-roam-node-id source-node)) (org-roam-node-title source-node))))))))))
publish config
(let* ((named-element (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) org-element-all-elements (lambda (element) (when (string= (org-element-property :name element) name) element)) nil t)) (result (org-element-property :value named-element))) (format "\"%s\"" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\"" "\\\\\"" result))) ;; escape quote
;; I use the ~#+modified:~ property rather than org's default of using the ;; file's modification time, since my org files are in git (defun my-org-html-build-preamble (info) (let* ((spec (org-html-format-spec info)) (date (cdr (assq ?d spec))) (timestamp-format (plist-get info :html-metadata-timestamp-format)) (modified-str (cadar (org-collect-keywords '("modified")))) (modified-parsed (org-element-parse-secondary-string modified-str (org-element-restriction 'keyword))) (modified (org-export-get-date `(:date ,modified-parsed) timestamp-format))) (concat <<blk-to-elisp-str("html-preamble")>> (and (plist-get info :with-date) (org-string-nw-p date) (format "<p class=\"date\">Created: %s</p>\n" date)) (and (plist-get info :with-date) (org-string-nw-p modified) (format "<p class=\"date\">Last modified: %s</p>\n" modified))))) ;;(setq org-export-async-init-file (expand-file-name "~/notebook/setup.el") ;; org-export-in-background t) (setq org-html-metadata-timestamp-format "%B %e, %Y") (setq org-html-htmlize-output-type 'css) (setq org-html-html5-fancy t) (setq org-html-doctype "html5") (setq org-export-with-toc nil) (setq org-export-with-section-numbers nil) (setq org-export-time-stamp-file nil) (setq org-html-head-include-default-style nil) (setq org-html-head-include-scripts nil) (setq org-html-head <<blk-to-elisp-str("html-header")>> ) (setq org-html-preamble 'my-org-html-build-preamble) (setq org-html-postamble nil) (setq org-html-mathjax-template <<blk-to-elisp-str("mathjax-script")>> ) ;; for org-html-link to omit .html from a href links (setq org-html-extension "") (org-export-define-derived-backend 'html-with-cite-filter 'html) (defun my-org-html-publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir) (org-publish-org-to 'html filename ".html" plist pub-dir)) (defun my-org-html-publish-to-html-with-cite-filter (plist filename pub-dir) (let ((org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions '(my-filter-citations))) (org-publish-org-to 'html-with-cite-filter filename ".html" plist pub-dir))) (add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-functions 'insert-bibliography) (add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-functions 'collect-backlinks-string) (add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-functions 'collect-reflinks-string) (setq collab-url "collab/") (defun my-publish-dir-with-cite-filter (dir) `(,dir :base-directory ,(concat my-org-dir dir) :publishing-directory ,(concat my-website-publish-dir collab-url dir) :publishing-function my-org-html-publish-to-html-with-cite-filter)) (defun my-publish-dir (dir) `(,dir :base-directory ,(concat my-org-dir dir) :publishing-directory ,(concat my-website-publish-dir dir) :publishing-function my-org-html-publish-to-html)) ;;:html-postamble "Insert comments here...")) (setq org-publish-project-alist `( ,(cons "top" (cdr (my-publish-dir ""))) ,(my-publish-dir "config") ,(my-publish-dir "notes") ,(my-publish-dir-with-cite-filter "ref-notes") ,(my-publish-dir-with-cite-filter "notebook") ,(my-publish-dir-with-cite-filter "rough") ;("pub" ; :exclude "info/.*\\|rough/.*\\|notebook/.*\\|ref-notes/.*" ; :recursive t) ("resources" :base-directory ,my-org-dir :publishing-directory ,my-website-publish-dir :base-extension "svg" :publishing-function org-publish-attachment) ("website" :components ("top" "config" "notes" "resources")) )) (defun my-tangle-website-js-css () (org-babel-tangle-file (concat my-org-dir "config/") (concat my-website-publish-dir "styles.css") "css") (org-babel-tangle-file (concat my-org-dir "config/") (concat my-website-publish-dir "scripts.js") "js"))
<<org-dir-vars>> <<list-org-files>> <<org-roam-export-helpers>> <<org-publish-project>>
(org-publish "website" t)
Need to run org-id-update-id-locations
and org-roam-update-org-id-locations
when exporting and get “org-export-data: Unable to resolve link”
Preview with simple-httpd
(require 'simple-httpd) (defun httpd-gen-path (path &optional root) "Translate GET to secure path in ROOT (`httpd-root')." (let ((clean (expand-file-name (httpd-clean-path path) (or root httpd-root)))) (if (file-directory-p clean) (let* ((dir (file-name-as-directory clean)) (indexes (cl-mapcar (apply-partially 'concat dir) httpd-indexes)) (existing (cl-remove-if-not 'file-exists-p indexes))) (or (car existing) dir)) (if (file-exists-p clean) clean (concat clean ".html"))))) (setq httpd-root my-website-publish-dir) (setq httpd-listings t) (setq httpd-host "") (httpd-start)