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Weekly report starting on:
Headline | Time | ||
Total time | 1d 13:58 | ||
QuantumComp | 12:00 | ||
Homeworks | 9:00 | ||
hw1 | 9:00 | ||
Lectures | 3:00 | ||
lec3 | 1:30 | ||
lec4 | 1:30 | ||
SpectralGraph | 4:30 | ||
Lectures | 4:30 | ||
lec3 | 1:30 | ||
lec4 | 1:30 | ||
lec5 | 1:30 | ||
Logic | 8:55 | ||
Homeworks | 8:55 | ||
hw2 | 8:55 |
A Bell state is
\begin{align} \ket{\Phi} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\pqty{\ket{00}+\ket{11}} \end{align}The which can be obtained from a Haddamard and CNOT gate: \[H= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\pmqty{1&1\\1&-1}\] \[CNOT= \pmqty{1&0&0&0\\0&1&0&0\\0&0&0&1\\0&0&1&0}\] applied as such \(CNOT((H\ket{0})\otimes\ket{0}) = \ket{\Phi}\) 1
\newcommand{\lightenvalue}{45} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7, node/.style={black,fill=gray,radius=0.1}, lnode/.style={black!\lightenvalue,fill=gray!\lightenvalue,radius=0.1}, edge/.style={very thick} ] \draw[dashed,black!\lightenvalue] (-12,-12) -- (-12,12) -- (12,12) -- (12,-12) -- cycle; \draw[dashed,black!\lightenvalue] (-4,12) -- (-4,-12); \draw[dashed,black!\lightenvalue] (4,12) -- (4,-12); \draw[dashed,black!\lightenvalue] (-12,4) -- (12,4); \draw[dashed,black!\lightenvalue] (-12,-4) -- (12,-4); \draw[dashed] (-4,-4) -- (-4,4) -- (4,4) -- (4,-4) -- cycle; \newcommand{\nodes}{a/0/0, b/1/2, c/2/0, d/1/-2, e/-1/2, f/-2/0, g/-1/-2} \newcommand{\vnodes}{b1/1/4, b2/2.5/4, b3/4/4, c1/4/2.3, c2/4/.7, c3/4/0, d1/4/-.7, d2/1/-4, d3/0/-4, e1/0/4, e2/-1/4, e3/-4/.7, f1/-4/0, f2/-4/-.7, f3/-4/-2.3, g1/-4/-4, g2/-2.5/-4, g3/-1/-4, bf1/2.5/-4, bf2/4/-2.3, gc1/-2.5/4, gc2/-4/2.3} \newcommand{\edges}{a/b, a/c, a/d, a/e, a/f, a/g, b/c, b/e, c/d, d/g, e/f, f/g} % darkgray, lightgray, olive, orange, pink, purple, teal, violet and white \newcommand{\cedges}{b/b1/red, b/b2/green, b/b3/blue, c/c1/cyan, c/c2/magenta, c/c3/yellow, d/d1/orange, d/d2/red, d/d3/brown, e/e1/brown, e/e2/lime, e/e3/magenta, f/f1/yellow, f/f2/orange, f/f3/green, g/g1/blue, g/g2/cyan, g/g3/lime, bf1/bf2/green, gc1/gc2/cyan} \foreach \l/\x/\y in \nodes \coordinate (\l) at (\x,\y); \foreach \l/\x/\y in \vnodes \coordinate (\l) at (\x,\y); \foreach \u/\v in \edges \draw[edge] (\u) -- (\v); \foreach \u/\v/\c in \cedges \draw[edge,\c] (\u) -- (\v); \foreach \l/\x/\y in \nodes \draw[node] (\l) circle; \foreach \d/\xo/\yo in {n/0/8, s/0/-8, e/8/0, w/-8/0, nw/-8/8, sw/-8/-8, ne/8/8, se/8/-8} { \foreach \l/\x\y in \nodes \coordinate (\d\l) at (\x+\xo,\y+\yo); \foreach \l/\x/\y in \vnodes \coordinate (\d\l) at (\x+\xo,\y+\yo); \foreach \u/\v in \edges \draw[edge,black!\lightenvalue] (\d\u) -- (\d\v); \foreach \u/\v/\c in \cedges \draw[edge,\c!\lightenvalue] (\d\u) -- (\d\v); \foreach \l/\x/\y in \nodes \draw[lnode] (\d\l) circle; } \end{tikzpicture}
jupyter python block
Long running block
import time time.sleep(20) time.strftime("The time is %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
The time is Thu, 23 Feb 2023 00:01:35
Peskin, Michael E. 2018. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429503559.
Srednicki, Mark. 2007. Quantum Field Theory. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511813917.